Dogs and Ice Cream

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I decided that I would try to do something pretty cool one night. I wanted to test a paranormal theory. I have an audio recorder, and I set it up in the center of the living room while my wife and her sister were having a conversation about their mother, who had passed away a few years earlier. 

Our brother-in-law was there too, and he was thirsty. My wife asked him, “Oh, water? Did you say you wanted water?”

He replied, “Yes, please”.

I think I let the recording run for about eight or nine minutes before turning it off. I later went back to listen to it, thinking, that perhaps I would hear the voice of their mother while they were talking about her.

It didn’t happen.

That doesn’t mean something else didn’t happen. It did.

When it got to the part where my wife mentioned the water, you can clearly hear a dog whimpering at that exact moment.

One problem. We didn’t have a dog. He had died a few months earlier. Our next door neighbors didn’t have a dog either. 

How could a dog come through the audio so clearly when a vehicle passing outside didn’t come through on the audio? 

There is really a second reason, as to why I did this. A year or two earlier, I had my recorder out doing some work and my wife came in and said something about ice cream.

When I went back and listened to the audio for transcription, I heard a female voice say, “Ice Cream” in a very excited manner.

I couldn’t believe it and freaked out. I thought, “Who and what in the world is this? I later called my wife back into the office and let her listen to it and she couldn’t believe it either.

There was nobody around. Not a soul. My wife listened to it a couple more times and laughed and said that your mother. My mother did love ice cream, but she had passed away several years earlier.

To this day, we have no explanation for it.

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